Friday, June 7, 2013

Post-Doc position available at ARCOS research group

Yes. We are hiring!

I am glad to publicly announce that our REPARA proposal for an FP7-ICT project has been accepted and we will start next September. We are really very excited with this. REPARA is a 3 years project involving 4 academic partners and 2 industrial partners from (Germany, Hungary, Israel, Switzerland, and Spain) which will address real challenges on adapting C++ software for heterogeneous parallel computers.

Below you will find a preview of our job offer. If you are interested and you need additional information, please, make me know. The official job offer will be available in a few days.

Post-Doc Position: REPARA FP7-ICT Project

The ARCOS research group (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain) is opening a Post-Doc position in the context of the FP7 project REPARA (Reengineering and Enabling Performance and poweR of Applications) which will start on September 2013 with a duration of 3 years.

The REPARA project aims to help the transformation and deployment of new and legacy applications in parallel heterogeneous computing architectures while maintaining a balance between application performance, energy efficiency and source code maintainability. To achieve this goal REPARA will combine multiple approaches for refactoring C++ source code to target multiple programming models for parallel heterogeneous architectures.

In this context we are looking for a researcher to help us in the development of language extensions for C++ compilers that can be used for semantic annotation of generic software components. In particular, tasks include

  1. To define mechanisms to restrict generic algorithms to type subsets, as well as techniques for algorithms overloading on type subsets. 
  2. To define mechanisms for specifying the semantic properties of a library in generic terms.
  3. To apply these techniques for specifying libraries identified by use cases to provide multiple implementations for specific processing elements.

The applicant should hold a PhD in Computer Science or Computer Engineering with a strong background in compiler design. A strong knowledge of the C++ programming language is required. Previous experience in development of compiler technologies with gcc or clang are a plus. Candidates should be fluent in English (written and spoken) and show their ability for team-working.

For more information, contact Prof. J. Daniel Garcia at

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